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The G.R.I.E.F process ™ - Kristie WestWhat is G.R.I.E.F? G.R.I.E.F ™ is very different to how traditional grief is understood. Grief Grief (no dots) is generally understood as the experience you go through after the death of someone you love as you come
About Kristie West GRIEF Specialist About Kristie If someone you love has died, whether recently or a long time ago, and you are looking for help -real help then you ve come to the right place. I ve been in the same boat as you. In [ ]
Testimonials Kristie WestWhat my clients have said about working with me I started following Kristie s blogs after my Mum died in 2014 but it was only last year a few years after my Dad s death that I built up the [ ]
Kristie West — Healing your grief so you can think about, talk about,Healing your grief so you can think about, talk about, and love them, without it hurting you anymore
HOME - KarieFriedman.comKarie Friedman was born and grew up in Los Angeles, California, earned a B.A. from Reed College, and worked for many years as an editor, first on small literary journals and for the Michigan State University Press, then
Shop - Kristie WestGet smart with the Thesis WordPress Theme from DIYthemes.
Contact - Kristie WestHi there, You can reach me by using the form below or using any of the contact details at the bottom of this page. I look forward to hearing from you, Kristie You can also email me directly [ ]
A new grief model: 5 steps to HEALING from griefA new grief model: 5 steps to HEALING from grief So what does it actually take to heal from grief? What do you have to do to get there? Here is my answer: A new grief model: 5 steps to [ ]
Deathly sites I love - Kristie WestThere are so many funeral and death related businesses and services out there that it can be difficult to know where to start and who to go to. So here is a list of my fave (mostly) UK services and [ ]
Working with Kristie - Kristie WestWorking with me If you are ready to heal from your grief and pain .if you want to be able to think about, talk about, and love your person who has died, without it hurting you anymore .if you want to think [ ]
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